Outpatient Rehabilitation

Pediatric Therapy

young girl playing with blocks on floor with pediatric therapist

What is Pediatric Therapy?

Our pediatric therapy is a personalized combination of physical, occupational, and speech techniques to determine and reach each child and family’s specific goals. Pediatric therapists offer a variety of services for children of all ages. Pediatric rooms are designed to provide a fun and playful environment, which is conducive to a successful treatment plan.

Physical Therapy Services:

  • Gross motor skills (walking, jumping, running)
  • Gait abnormalities (toe walking, toes in/out)
  • Balance and coordination limitations
  • Abnormal muscle tone management

Occupational Therapy Services:

  • Fine motor skills (small object manipulation,scissor use)
  • Self-care skills (dressing, eating, teethbrushing)
  • Play and social skills
  • Visual motor skills (writing, puzzle completion)
  • Sensory processing

Speech Therapy Services:

  • Language development
  • Articulation and sound disorders
  • Fluency and stuttering
  • Assistive and alternative communication
  • Pragmatic and social skill development (autism spectrum disorders)
  • Swallowing and feeding issues

If you think Pediatric Therapy would be beneficial for your child, give us a call at 830.258.7383 to discuss your options and schedule a consultation appointment.

Resources for You

What patients say about Peterson Health

From the time I entered, in the predawn hours, until I was released the next day, every member of the staff was not just competent, but they were overly caring, exceptionally kind and exceedingly warm and friendly. They took their time, explained procedures, visited with me when they had time and made my stay comfortable, easy, and dare I say – pleasant and fun!

Kyra B.

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