
Your Radiology Bill Explained

When you have a diagnostic imaging test, it is customary to receive TWO separate bills.

The FIRST BILL comes from the facility where you had your examination. This technical component charge covers the cost for:

• The use of the facility
• The equipment used for your imaging exam
• The technical personnel who operate the equipment
• Any medical supplies, if used

The SECOND BILL comes from Peterson Medical Associates for the professional component. We are the radiologists who provide the professional interpretation of your exam. A radiologist is a physician who undergoes many years of medical schooling and training in diagnostic imaging. Utilizing this expertise, the physician is able to diagnose injury or illness with precise accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I receiving multiple bills?
If you’ve had more than one procedure or exam, this may result in more than one bill. If you feel you have received a bill in error, or if you have questions about your bill, please contact us at 830.258.7828.

What does my insurance cover?
Our first step is to submit a claim to your insurance company for payment. What happens next depends on your insurance company, your coverage and benefit level, your eligibility, and your co-pay or deductible. Sometimes, our services are covered entirely. Sometimes, they require you to pay an additional amount out-of-pocket. Depending on your coverage, your insurance company may apply this amount to your co-pay or deductible.

If you have questions about our insurance coverage, or are wondering if a certain exam or service is or is not covered, please contact your insurance company for further explanation.

Why did I receive a bill after I already sent in my payment?
We apologize if you receive a duplicate bill after payment, and we thank you for your payment. It can take up to two weeks to receive and process your payment. However, if you continue to receive bills, please contact us at 830.258.7828.

What if I cannot pay my bill?
Depending on your situation, you may quality for financial assistance or a bill payment plan. Please contact us for more information.

Billing Questions

For questions regarding billing for your Radiology Services, please call 830.258.7828.

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