Volunteer with Peterson Hospice

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." -Aesop

Volunteers are valued team members who are truly at the heart of our mission. You can make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families while adding meaning to your own life. Peterson Hospice volunteers can support our patients, their families and the community in various ways, including:

  • Ambassador
  • Administrative
  • Floral
  • No One Dies Alone
  • Patient Visits
  • Pet Peace of Mind
  • Sewing/Crafts
  • Tuck-In Calls 

We provide training so that our volunteers feel knowledgeable and comfortable, and have an understanding of the hospice experience. Persons interested in volunteering for Peterson Hospice will fill out an application and background check authorization, and an informal interview will be set up with the Volunteer Coordinator. Family members of Peterson Hospice patients are eligible to apply for direct-care volunteer services 12 months after the loss of a loved one.

If you are interested in volunteering with Peterson Hospice, come by and pick up an application or contact Volunteer Services at 830.258.7799.

Resources for You

What patients say about Peterson Health

We have lived in Ingram and Kerrville for the past forty-eight years after moving here from the Dallas area, and we are very blessed our hospital and wonderful staff there. While at the hospital I had excellent care and the entire staff there was outstanding.

Leroy W.

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