Heart and Vascular

Time is Muscle


Heart Care Close to Home

peterson-health-heart-vascular-dnv-advanced-certification-chest-painIf home is where your heart is, then that’s exactly where your heart care should be too. Peterson Health’s advanced Cardiology Clinic and accredited Heart and Vascular Department provide top quality heart care in the Texas Hill Country, built on the determination to keep your heart going strong, your whole life long.

Our extensive Cardiology program offers access to life-saving Vascular care, including Pulmonology, Catheterization Lab, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Vascular Surgery, and Cardiac Wellness. The program typically follows a three-phase approach to vascular health starting with intervention, healing with rehabilitation, and creating longevity through wellness.

PHASE 1: Intervention


Intervention occurs when a patient is experiencing vascular stenosis, meaning there is an obstruction or blockage in the vessel that is lessening or completely halting blood flow.

Stenosis affecting the heart needs to be addressed immediately. If you or a loved one are experiencing chest pain, please visit our Emergency Department for evaluation and treatment.

Learn More About Phase 1

PHASE 2: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

When the immediate need is resolved, intervention is complete, and your system has found its rhythm, our focus turns to establishing lifestyle habits that promote heart health, such as nutrition and exercise.

Our exceptional team of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Nurses and Exercise Physiologists work with you to integrate healing habits, a combination of physical and educational components, into daily life.

Learn More About Phase 2

PHASE 3: Cardiac Wellness

Cardiology Phase 3 Wellness Peterson HealthWhen the foundation for healthy habits is solidified in rehabilitation, it’s time to focus on your longterm wellness plan and develop an exercise program that will continue for life.

Healthy decisions are extremely important to keep your heart pumping, this includes follow-up appointments with your Peterson team to monitor progress and receive guidance for overall wellness.

Learn More About Phase 3


Where to find us at Peterson Health

We have two clinics to help heal your heart, one located on the first floor of the hospital and the other located right next door at the Cailloux Professional Building.

Heart and Vascular Services at Peterson Regional Medical Center

This is where most inpatient procedures take place, including cardiac catheterizations, stents, pacemaker placements, and more.

7am–6pm, Monday–Friday  |  Always On Call

Jason Loftin  |  830.258.7409

551 Hill Country Drive, 1st Floor
Kerrville, TX 78028


Heart and Vascular Clinic at the Cailloux Professional Building

This is where most outpatient activities occur for Heart and Vascular patients, including physician office visits and follow-up appointments.


Scheduling  |  830.258.6244

575 Hill Country Drive
Kerrville, TX 78028

Resources for You

What patients say about Peterson Health

I was unexpectedly a patient at Peterson for four days, from the emergency room to the West Wing of the 3rd floor. Everyone - nurses, doctors, technicians, maintenance staff, food service, administrators, etc. - treated me with care and concern. I certainly did not want to be in the hospital, but they all made the stay a lot easier. Any call from me was answered immediately. The doctor on staff during my stay explained things in terms I could understand. Food service checked with me if I hadn't called as usual. Special services personnel checked on me there and when I got home. And, a special thank you to the wonderful nurses and technicians who were with me 24 hrs a day. You all are great!

Elizabeth P.

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