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Peterson Specialty Care

Peterson Medical Associates Group of Specialized Services

When Peterson Medical Associates (PMA) was established in 2010 by Peterson Health, the goal was to employ the most highly qualified and compassionate providers to fill the need for more primary care and OB/Gyn providers.  Today, close to a dozen primary care physicians, nine ob/gyn providers and midwives, and close to ten nurse practitioner spanning Kerrville to Bandera, now occupy multiple facilities and clinics under the PMA umbrella.

PMA has also grown to meet the very specialized healthcare of our community in the past five years through our Peterson Specialty Care branch.  Within the PMA headquarters and in nearby, assessable medical offices, PMA has formed what we call Peterson Specialty Care, an expanded branch medical services created to  bringing great healthcare home.  Our specialized team of providers offer local, easy access to major care and provide leading-edge treatment and technology in each specialty, so that there’s not need to travel for life-saving care.

Physicians are accepting new patients and ready to assist you with any of the following:

General Surgery
Sleep Medicine
Wound Care

Click directly on the specialty service of interest above to see our physicians and for their contact information.

What patients say about Peterson Health

From the time I entered, in the predawn hours, until I was released the next day, every member of the staff was not just competent, but they were overly caring, exceptionally kind and exceedingly warm and friendly. They took their time, explained procedures, visited with me when they had time and made my stay comfortable, easy, and dare I say – pleasant and fun!

Kyra B.

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