Patients & Visitors

Patient Experience Guide

We strive to involve you as partners in your care from admission to discharge. We acknowledge that it can be overwhelming, and even a bit scary at times, to be a patient in the hospital – but it doesn’t have to be.

To help you navigate your experience at Peterson Health, we have developed this Patient Experience Guide which includes information about patient satisfaction and privacy, patient rights and responsibilities, resources during your stay, healthcare safety, discharge planning, and more.

To read the Patient Experience Guide in your browser, scroll down or click the links in the Table of Contents below.

To download the printable PDF, click the button below.

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Table of Contents


Welcome to Peterson Health

Experience Exceptional, Experience Peterson Health

Since 1949, Peterson Health has served as the largest employer in Kerr County, today supporting more than 1,300 employees. For 75 years, we have been meeting and exceeding the healthcare needs of our community and nine surrounding counties, plus of late, becoming a destination hospital for many award-winning service lines, including our cardiovascular program, certified stroke rehabilitation center, total joint replacement program, quality and safety initiatives, and patient experience.

Peterson Health provides exceptional, compassionate, patient-centered care. It is our stated Mission. As the President and CEO, I witness the extraordinary work of our dedicated and caring staff members and volunteers on a daily basis. Together we elevate health and each other. We are equally involved in our community and give as much as we receive, which is just one of the reasons why we’ve been named a Top 100 Rural Community Hospital for seven consecutive years and in 2023, named one of 15 Top Rural Hospitals in the nation by The Leapfrog Group – the gold standard for quality and safety (read more on page 5).

We support the region with a growth plan that focuses on building a team of phenomenal healthcare providers, expanding our state-of-the-art facilities and regional footprint, and adding unique specialties and service lines to complement our robust offerings. I’m proud to say that the Hill Country Region has grown to support Peterson Health for who we are. They believe we are meeting our Vision of World-Class Care.

Rest assured that as your largest healthcare system in the Texas Hill Country, we will meet your healthcare needs, keep you close to home, and strive to continue offering world-class care – today, tomorrow, and always.

Thank you for trusting us with your and your family’s care,

Cory Edmondson
President and CEO, Peterson Health


Your Rights as a Patient

The following list of patient rights protects your interests and promotes your well-being.

You, the patient, have the right to:

  • Have access to care or treatment regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, ability to pay, or the presence or lack of an Advance Directive.
  • Be treated with respect, dignity, and privacy
  • Personal and informational privacy, within the law
  • Consideration of the psycho-social, spiritual, and cultural variables that influence perceptions of illness, recovers, death, and the grieving process
  • Expect the hospital to take reasonable safety precautions to provide a secure environment
  • A pain management plan, which may include pain medication and/or non-pharmaceutical options
  • Relevant, current, and understandable information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
  • Access to visitors
  • Effective communication for those with hearing, vision, or speech impairment, limited English proficiency interpreter services are also available
  • Participate in decisions involving your health care
  • Consult with a specialist of your choice, at your expense. For in-house consultations, the specialist must have privileges in this facility
  • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action
  • Expect reasonable continuity of care, and to be informed of any continuing health care requirements following discharge from the hospital
  • Request and receive a detailed explanation of your bill regardless of the source of payment
  • Express concern or complaint concerning the hospital, your care, or a hospital employee without your care being affected
  • Access the hospital’s Biomedical Ethics Committee when ethical issues arise. These may include conflict resolutions and withholding or withdrawing resuscitative services of life- sustaining treatment.
  • Contact the nursing staff or Care Coordination (extension 7629) for information on how to access the Biomedical Ethics Committee
  • Formulate advance directives and designate surrogate decision makers
  • Protective services, should they be required
  • Information about the outcome of care, including unanticipated outcomes
  • Care in a safe setting
  • Prompt notification of patient’s family member or representative of patient’s choice and to promptly notify the patient’s physician of admission
  • Informed consent for non-emergent surgical procedures
  • Freedom from medically unnecessary restraints. Should a patient experience a change in emotional, physical, or mental status, family members may be requested to sit with the patient or arrange for a private sitter

If a patient feels any of the above rights have been violated, the hospital has a grievance process for the prompt resolution of patient complaints. Patients shall contact the Nurse Manager of their unit, the House Supervisor, or a Patient Representative at 830.258.7630.

If you are unable to resolve or diffuse the issue with the organization’s patient representative and want to take further action, you may file a complaint or grievance by contacting:

Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347

DNV GL – Healthcare Accredited Healthcare Organization


Your Responsibilities as a Patient

You, the patient and/or your family, are expected to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information about your medical history
  • Report unexpected changes in condition and follow recommended treatment plan
  • Accept the consequences of refusing treatment
  • Meet financial obligations as promptly as possible
  • Follow hospital rules and regulations
  • Respect the rights of other patients and hospital personnel. This includes assisting in noise control, limiting the number of visitors, and complying with non-smoking hospital regulations.
  • Be respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.


Useful Information for Your Optimal Experience

At Peterson Health we recognize that you are here because you need quality healthcare. We strive to give you the best of care while treating you with compassion and respect. Ensuring you have the best experience possible is very important to us. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make you and your loved ones more comfortable.


  • Partners in Care: We value our patients and family as partners in care. We want you to feel listened to and included in your care. Please ask questions and voice any concerns you may have during your stay.
  • Nurse Bedside Shift Report: Every 12 hours the nurses will do a shift report at the bedside and will include you and your family. This is a great time to ask questions or add details to the discussion. Nurse bedside reports have been proven to improve the quality of your care.
  • Infection Prevention: We strive to create a safe and healing environment for our patients. We have a robust Infection Prevention Program to ensure your safety, and you will see our staff performing hand hygiene frequently.
  • Safe Environment: We want to ensure the safety of our patients, visitors, and staff. Peterson Health has zero tolerance for any disruptive or aggressive behavior, and we employ full-time security 24 hours a day to enforce our policy.
  • Valuables: Please know we cannot be responsible for any valuables so we ask you leave all valuable items at home or send them home with a loved one. Every room has a safe if you must keep a valuable with you.
  • Visiting Hours: We understand that having friends and loved ones visit can make your healing process a little easier. Visiting hours are from 8am to 8pm each day, and we welcome friends and family. The ICU and Women’s Services units may limit the number of visitors to reduce noise and activity so their patients can rest.
  • Service Animals: We welcome all service animals but ask that you leave pets and therapy animals at home.
  • Interpreters: It is very important that you understand all aspects of your care. For our non- English speaking patients, we encourage you to request an interpreter if you feel you are not able to fully understand what your care team is telling you. We also have American Sign Language interpretation for our hearing impaired patients.
  • Phone and Camera Use: You are welcome to use your cell phone for personal use while in the hospital. We ask that you do not take pictures or videos of staff, procedures, or of other patients. Also, phone chargers are available upon request.
  • Meals: Patients may call extension 3663 to order food. Meals will be delivered in 45 minutes or less. For loved ones, the Blue Sage Bistro is located on the first floor and is open from 7am to 5pm. Guest trays are also available upon request, just ask your nurse.
  • Television Channels: You can find a list of current television channels in each patient room.
  • Smoking: Peterson Health is a no smoking campus meaning we prohibit smoking in all areas of the health system, including our parking lots. We also do not allow vaping in any area of Peterson Health.
  • Quiet at Night: We will do our best to be quiet, especially at night. Hospitals are a noisy place. We understand you need a calm and healing environment to rest. If you are unable to rest due to noise, please ask the nurse for complimentary ear plugs.
  • Complaints: Please speak up if you have any concern. You have the right to ask for a patient advocate if you feel you are not being heard. Our Patient Experience department is here for you.
  • Post Discharge Phone Calls: You will receive an automated call after discharge to ensure you have everything you need to care for yourself safely at home.
  • Patient Surveys: You may receive a survey asking about your experience at Peterson Health. Please take a few minutes to complete. We use your input to improve the care we provide.


We Want You to Stay Safe

Patients play a vital role in healthcare safety, and there are ways you can help your healthcare providers keep you safe.

Do not be afraid to ask questions!

If you are told you need certain tests or procedures, ask why you need them, when they will happen, and how long it will be before you get the results.

Medication Safety

  • Keep an updated list of your allergies and the medications you are taking in your wallet or purse (including nonprescription drugs and supplements).
  • Your doctor will use this home medication list to decide which medications, including any new medications, you need while you are in the hospital and when you go home.
  • Understanding your medications is important to your safety.
    • While you are in the hospital, make sure you know or ask the name, purpose, and possible
      side effects of the medications you are being given.
    • If you receive new medications while you are in the hospital or at discharge, make sure you know or ask:
      • The name of the medication and why it is being prescribed for you
      • How and when you should take the medication and for how long
      • The possible side effects
      • Any interactions with other medications or food
      • What you should do if you forget to take the medicine and miss a dose


Correct Identification

While you are in the hospital many people will enter your room, from doctors and nurses to hospital employees from various departments (eg. lab, radiology, dietary, etc.).

Make sure anyone who enters your room has a visible Peterson Health employee badge and identifies themselves. If they forget, please do not hesitate to ask for their name and their role in your care.

Any time a staff member enters your room to administer medication, transport you, or perform a procedure or treatment, they must check your identification by asking for your name and date of birth.

This may seem repetitive, however this verification process is critical to ensure all patients are receiving the correct medications and treatments.

Speak up if hospital staff doesn’t ask to check your ID.

Prevent Falls

We make every effort to make your stay as safe as possible. However, each year between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people in the United States fall during a hospital stay. Falls are the leading cause of traumatic injuries such as pain, swelling, fractures, serious internal injuries, including brain injury from bleeding, and even death.

The majority of falls resulting in injury occur in the bathroom and therefore, a healthcare worker may remain with you for your safety.

At Peterson Health, Patient Safety is our top priority.

Please follow these safety measures during your hospital stay:

  • CALL DON’T FALL! Ask for help to get out of bed or move back to bed. Even if you normally feel steady on your feet – medications, IV lines, and an unfamiliar environment puts ALL PATIENTS at an increased risk for falling.
  • USE ASSISTANCE DEVICES such as walkers, canes, or gait belts.
  • MEDICATIONS for pain, blood pressure, heart rate or rhythm, and any new medication may cause you to feel dizzy when you stand up or while walking. Move slow and hold onto handrails if available.
  • KEEP ITEMS WITHIN EASY REACH! Always keep important items such as glasses, cell phone, call light, remotes, and tray tables within reach.
  • WEAR NON-SLIP FOOTWEAR while walking or standing in your room or in the hallways.
  • TURN ON THE LIGHTS and make sure you have a clear path for walking.
  • BED or CHAIR ALARMS may be used during your stay to remind you to wait for a staff member to get up and use the CALL LIGHT.

Patients of all ages are at risk for falls in the hospital. It is better to ask for help than risk a new injury or medical problem.

Together, we can prevent falls and injuries.

Prevent Infections

While you are in the hospital to get well, there is the possibility of developing an infection. The single most important thing you can do to help prevent infection is to wash your hands and make sure that everyone who touches you – including your doctors, nurses, and visitors – washes his or her hands too.

You and your family and friends should wash hands:

  • After touching objects
  • Before eating
  • After using the restroom

Healthcare providers come into contact with a lot of bacteria and viruses. It is important that they wash their hands with either soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser before and after they touch you.

Healthcare providers know to practice hand hygiene, but sometimes they forget. So if you don’t see that they’ve done so, ask them if they have cleaned their hands before treating you.

You and your family should not be afraid or embarrassed to ask them to wash their hands.


Hospital Units

At Peterson Health you may be admitted to one of our hospital units and we want you to understand the care provided in each area. All rooms are private and have been designed to create a calm and healing environment. In all units your care team will include nurses, patient care techs, physicians, and other health care professionals.

2West is an in-patient unit that takes care of post-surgical patients and patients with various medical issues.

3West is an in-patient unit that takes care of medical patients with diagnoses such as respiratory infections, urinary infections, heart issues, and more.

Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) cares for patients placed in observation status. Your doctor will review your medical condition and place you in observation status if you qualify for outpatient care. Being in observation may affect what you pay for your visit. When you are in observation status your stay is covered under Medicare Part B. Generally, prescriptions and over the counter medications are not covered by Part B. For safety reasons we cannot allow you to take medications you brought from home and you may have to pay out-of-pocket for these medications. Please know you can submit a claim to your drug plan to see if you qualify for a refund. A member of our hospital staff can answer further questions if needed. For concerns with this CMS (Medicare) policy, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) cares for more seriously ill patients.*

Women’s Services (also known as The Baby Place) provides labor and delivery services and care for OB/GYN patients.*

*The ICU and Women’s Services are both locked units. Visitors will need to ask to be admitted.


Pain Management

Only you know how much pain you are in and we value your input as we treat your pain.

Talk about the level of your pain throughout your stay. We may not be able to take away all of your pain, but we will strive to make you as comfortable as safely possible.

Pain medication may be part of your plan of care but we encourage you to consider other options to help manage your pain, such as soft soothing music, meditation or prayer, breathing exercises, journaling, distraction (television, reading, playing a game, having visitors, etc.), and physical activity as safely tolerated.

Managing your pain helps your healing process so talk to your nurse if your pain worsens.


Honor a Caregiver Today

Did someone at Peterson Health make a difference for you or a loved one?

Perhaps it was…

  • The reassuring care from our dedicated nursing staff
  • The expertise of our physicians
  • The level of professionalism and pride shown in the work of our compassionate staff

You can show your appreciation and recognize a caregiver by:

  • Sharing your story,
  • Making a gift in their honor,
  • Or Both!

How will my gift help?

As an independent, nonprofit hospital, donor support is a critical part of meeting our mission. With your help, we can continue to:

  • Deliver quality care to all Hill Country residents, regardless of their ability to pay.
  • Ensure that Peterson Health stays Fiercely Independent and Community-focused.
  • Offer big-city services in a personalized setting, featuring cutting-edge technology and a patient-centered, compassionate staff.
  • Expand service lines to meet the needs of our growing community.
  • Provide continuous training and education for physicians and staff on the most innovative healthcare techniques.

You can Honor a Caregiver online today at

What patients say about Peterson Health

After seeing the burn specialist, they told me that the doctor who first worked on my hand did an outstanding job. I know that Dr. Harris did not have to do what she did and I am so thankful. Meagan and Dr. Harris went above and beyond and I received First Class Care. Peterson Regional Medical Center’s ER is top notch and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

Kenny P.

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