Patients & Visitors

Patient Safety

Your Safety as a Patient

Peterson Regional Medical Center is committed to your safety and well being. Patients who are more involved with their hospital care tend to do better and stay safer. By working together with physicians, nurses and other hospital staff, you can help make your hospital stay as safe as possible and lower your risk of injury when you return home. Below are some tips to help you participate in your care and safety in the hospital.


One of the most important things you can do is to speak up and ask questions, especially if you are unclear; unsure or confused. Feel free to ask who people are, what they are doing and where you are going. Pay attention to your tests, treatments and medications. Speak up is something does not seem right to you.

Minimizing infections

Your nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers as well as family members and visitors should wash their hands before they touch you. Feel free to remind them. “Isolation precautions” are to protect you, other patients, staff and visitors. Gloves, gowns and masks are sometimes worn, depending on the illness. If you don’t understand why you are on precautions, please ask. Remind your visitors that they too must follow the precautions listed on the sign outside your room to protect you and themselves during their visit.

Please get flu and pneumonia vaccines when they are offered.

Reducing medication events

Ask your nurse about your medicines, what they are, what they do, when they are given and their possible side effects. Let your nurse know if your medicines are late, look different or if you have any reactions to them. Make sure your doctor or nurse knows if you have had reactions to medications before. If you have a allergy it should be listed on your armband.

Patient identification

When you are admitted, you will have a patient identification bracelet placed on your wrist. This bracelet includes your name and medical record number. Remind all caregivers to look at your identification bracelet before giving medication, drawing blood or performing a procedure. Never remove this bracelet while in the hospital.

Staff identification

All Peterson Regional Medical Center employees are required to wear photo identification badges. Be sure your caregivers have a hospital I.D. with their picture on it.

Fall prevention

  • Always ask for help from the nursing staff if you need to get out of bed or use the bathroom, especially at night.
  • Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Try to call for help before your need becomes urgent.
  • Keep your call-button near you at all times. – Never climb over bedrails.
  • Wear slippers or socks with rubber soles to prevent slipping.
  • Let a staff person know about any fluids or objects on the floor that could cause a fall.
  • Don’t depend on bedside trays or chairs for secure handholds.

Click here for measurable results on patient safety and quality.

What patients say about Peterson Health

We have lived in Ingram and Kerrville for the past forty-eight years after moving here from the Dallas area, and we are very blessed our hospital and wonderful staff there. While at the hospital I had excellent care and the entire staff there was outstanding.

Leroy W.

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