Patients & Visitors

Patient Portal

Access Your Health Records – Anytime, Anywhere!

Our interactive Patient Portal empowers all PRMC patients, as well as our patients utilizing the Emergency Department or Ambulatory Care Center (ACC), to take an active role in their care. We are providing easy, secured access to your health information and results. Powered by Meditech, our electronic medical record system, you can access health information from the past three years, including:

  • Laboratory Reports
  • Radiology/Imaging Results

You can also initiate the following:

  • Request appointments
  • View or download a Health Summary
  • View allergies and conditions
  • Track immunization and other health maintenance items
  • View visit history, including discharge instructions
  • Review active home medications
  • Enter/update all of your personal information

Visit daily, weekly, or monthly, because we are always updating your information as you visit and we plan to add new features as they become available within our system.

For more information or technical assistance with your Patient Portal, call 830.258.7000 x2.

Set Up Your Patient Portal

Start Your Patient Portal Journey

Note: You will need to provide the hospital with an email address prior to signing up. You will also need your Medical Record Number, which starts with an M and has 6 numbers after the M (example: M123456). You may find this number on any your discharge information, a patient ID bracelet, a recent hospital bill or receipt, or a variety of reports from the hospital.

What patients say about Peterson Health

When I called 911 that evening, I honestly prepared myself to not see my dad alive again after that due to how quickly and severely he had fallen sick. After his negative COVID results came back, I walked into his ER room about 30 minutes after we arrived and he was alert (he was even smiling!) and receiving the necessary medications and treatments to help him. Immediately, everyone began helping him as a TEAM between each department quickly and efficiently to ensure my dad was taken care of and comfortable. It's almost like they were Angels bringing him back to me! I knew he was in the very BEST hands! My dad hasn't stopped talking about how greatly his opinion of Peterson hospital has changed after the phenomenal care he's received over the past couple of days. He said everyone is being so helpful and caring, thoughtful, and shows its a TEAM effort! He has so much more respect for PRMC and the staff and is so appreciative of everyone. He didn't stop bragging on how helpful and nice everyone has been to him and our family.

Melanie C.

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