Patients & Visitors

Patient Consent Forms

In an effort to give you sufficient time to read and understand the patient consent forms you may be asked to sign before your test, treatment, or procedure performed at Peterson Health, we have listed two generic consent forms below.

The General Medical Consent Form outlines the risks of the test, treatment, or procedure. Signing this form gives your consent to have the test, treatment, or procedure performed.

The Anesthesia & Pain Management Consent Form discusses different types of anesthesia provided, as well as the risks. Signing this form gives your consent to undergo anesthesia.

More detailed consent forms with potentially additional risks may be discussed with you by your provider. The two consent forms listed below are meant to serve as an example of consent forms you may be asked to sign prior to your test, treatment, or procedure at Peterson Health.

Download General Medical Consent Form

Download Anesthesia & Pain Management Consent Form

What patients say about Peterson Health

From the time I entered, in the predawn hours, until I was released the next day, every member of the staff was not just competent, but they were overly caring, exceptionally kind and exceedingly warm and friendly. They took their time, explained procedures, visited with me when they had time and made my stay comfortable, easy, and dare I say – pleasant and fun!

Kyra B.

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