Patients & Visitors


Q: What services are available at Peterson Regional Medical Center?

A: We proudly provide a wide range of services to support and enhance your health and wellness.  To see our Family of Services, click here.

Q: While at the hospital, who is on my medical team?

A:  Your team forms the moment you enter our doors.  From our volunteers who will greet you and your favorite supporters, to the physician guiding you to our hospital, to the Hospitalists availible 24/7, you will be cared for by the best nurses, care coordinators, admission staff, and volunteers.  Feel free to contact our Patient Relations Representative at (830)258-7630.

Q:  What is a Hospitalist?

A:  Click here to learn all about this positive medical move.  Hospitalists

Q:  Do you offer educational opportunities at the hospital?

A:  Yes we do!  Peterson is very proud to offer community members workshops, classes, or seminars on topics they deem important or that improve the health of our community.  The Marketing Department averages one free public education seminar a month.  Would you like to know what events are offered?  Let us add you to our email list.  Just send us a request to be added at or visit our Events/Calendar page here.

Q: Will I be able to smoke in the hospital?

A:  No.  Peterson is a non-smoking campus and the policy is enforced from the parking lot to the top floor and all hallways in-between.  Smoking is not permitted.

Q: What happens to my valuables?

A:  We recommend that your valuables be left at home if possible.  But if admitted unexpectedly, we do have a personal safe for you and family members will be given clear instruction on how to store and accept those valuables.

Q:  How can my family and friends reach me?

A:  You have a telephone close to your bed and the operator will easily forward direct calls to your room.  Just have fans call (830)896-4200.  If making a long distance call, our operator or nurse will be happy to help you.  Each room has an extension that should be written on your room whiteboard for you to share.  Of course they can also call your cell phone, too.

Q:  Can someone stay with me overnight?

A:  We will happily make arrangements for a family member or friend to spend the night by you.  All of our rooms are private rooms and we proudly offer this comfortable option.

Q:  When are meals served?

A:  Around the clock and when YOU are hungry.  Special to Peterson is the amazing food and nutrition staff that dedicates their hours and schedule around you.  Room service is really an option at Peterson.  Ask your nurse how and when to order.  (You’ll never think of hospital food the same again.)  By the way, we accept all debit/credit cards if dining in our Blue Sage Bistro.

Q:  Need a quick snack?

A:  We have vending machines on all floors filled with snacks and beverages.  You can also visit our Gift Shop located on the first floor.

Q:  Where are the ATMs?

A:  We have ATMs near the staff/service elevators on the first floor.

Q:  What can my family or friends bring to me?

A:  Any necessary clothing or toiletries or items to make your stay more comfortable.  Books, puzzles, a big smile!  Medications need to be approved by your physician so we ask that you inform your physician of the medication, before administering.

Q:  Is there a gift shop?

A:  Yes, our gift shop is located on the first floor of the hospital.  Gifts, clothing, books, snacks, and seasonal specialties are all on display and for sale.  In addition, beautiful floral arrangements are available or can be ordered.  Best of all, you don’t have to be a patient or have a loved one in the hospital to order flowers or shop in our gift store.  The public is always invited to visit our shop.

Q:  Does Peterson offer wireless service?

A:  Yes, your computer should access free wireless service while in our waiting areas, Blue Sage Bistro, and patient rooms.

Q:  Will I be sharing a room with other patients?

A:  No.  Each and every room at Peterson is a quiet, private suite and includes cable television, telephone, Internet access, a large pullout sofa for overnight guests, expansive bathroom, room service, and kindhearted staff ready to provide you with anything else you need.

Q:  Is there Pastoral Care at Peterson?

A:  Yes. Our chaplain offices and chapel are tucked behind the gift shop on the first floor and offer privacy and solitude.  Our chaplains assist any faith tradition and can be contacted at extension 7037.  The chapel is open 24/7.  If you need assistance with Medical Directives, our chaplains are ready to help.

Q:  Are children allowed on the patient floors?

A:  We know the joy and energy children exude aid in healing but there are many other patient safety factors we must consider.  Some areas such as our Women’s Services and The Baby Place, are is highly secure so we ask that you inquire with the specific unit about children visitors.  Generally speaking, Hospital-wide, we welcome children of all ages to patient rooms under regular visitor hours.

Q:  I love and support this community hospital.  What can I do to assist more?

A:  Your time as a volunteer or donor is priceless.  To learn more about other Ways to Give or Give Back, click here.  Ways to Give

What patients say about Peterson Health

From the time I entered, in the predawn hours, until I was released the next day, every member of the staff was not just competent, but they were overly caring, exceptionally kind and exceedingly warm and friendly. They took their time, explained procedures, visited with me when they had time and made my stay comfortable, easy, and dare I say – pleasant and fun!

Kyra B.

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