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Kerrville, TX – National Volunteer Week provides the opportunity to recognize the millions of Americans who provide volunteer service in their communities across the country. At Peterson Hospice more than 50 specialized hospice volunteers support individuals living with a serious or life-limiting illness and their loved ones. Volunteers are trained in a variety of areas: patient visit, floral arranging and delivery, Pet Peace of Mind, No One Dies Alone, administrative, and bereavement support. Peterson Hospice honored their volunteers at a dinner and ceremony on April 26. 

The transformative impact of volunteer support is captured in this story shared by Amy Ives, Executive Director of Continuum of Care for Peterson Health. “A couple that had been married for 68 years moved from living independently after the wife experienced a cardiac event and was placed in hospice care. As the caregiver for her husband who had dementia, she knew moving out of their home into long-term care was the best decision even though she was leaving the comfort and familiar setting of their home. She accepted the aid of a volunteer who helped her create a familiar set up, memorabilia, and pictures in their long-term care facility room that replicated their bedroom at home. The volunteer was able to create a space that was so warm and the husband’s transition into this new place was with ease. The wife was so grateful and appreciative of the time and details the volunteer put into making this a successful move. The volunteer’s impact in creating a familiar place in an unfamiliar facility allowed him to find comfort and still feel his wife’s presence after her death.” 

“When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share the most precious of resources – your time – to make life better for those who are in need. The fruits of your labors make a tangible impact, of course, but perhaps it is the fact that you are willing to share your time and talent to lend a helping hand and to show kindness and caring that makes the greatest difference in the lives of the individuals who are touched by your generosity,” said Tracy Davis, Chief Ambulatory Care Officer for Peterson Health. 

Peterson Hospice is called to serve others with exceptional, compassionate, patient-centered care at end-of-life. As the only 5-star rated Hospice agency in the Hill Country by CMS, Peterson Hospice is dedicated to the highest quality of care. For information about Peterson Hospice services or becoming a volunteer, please visit PetersonHealth.com/Hospice or call 830.258.7799.