heart-vascular-cath-labHeart attacks are twice as likely to result in death during the COVID-19 pandemic due fear of contracting the virus at a medical facility delaying emergency care, according to an analysis published by JAMA Cardiology. Here at Peterson, we have strict processes in place to protect you from being exposed to COVID so you can receive safe and timely treatment to heal your heart.

In the United States, 1.5 million heart attacks occur each year resulting in approximately 500,000 deaths. During the first five weeks of the pandemic, the rate of heart attack associated hospitalizations in the U.S. decreased by nearly 50%.

Researchers predict the death rate from heart attacks is likely to increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not because of the COVID virus itself, but because many individuals are delaying care for fear of being exposed to the Coronavirus. While COVID-19 is serious and present in the community, the virus is not as deadly as a myocardial infarction. An untreated heart attack will most likely result in death.

At Peterson Health, we make your safety top priority. We use all resources available to protect you, our staff, and other patients, such as COVID testing for non-emergent cardiac procedures and thorough disinfecting processes between patients. In fact, Peterson Regional Medical Center was recently rated in the top 93rd percentile nationally for cleanliness. Please don’t let fears of infection stop you from seeking immediate medical attention.

If you have chest pain, you need to be seen by a doctor immediately. Go to your nearest Emergency Department for immediate evaluation and treatment. Peterson Health’s dedicated Emergency and Cardiology staff are ready to care for your heart 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.