About Peterson Health

Awards and Accolades

Peterson Health is an award winning healthcare organization, receiving prominent local, regional, and national recognition for outstanding patient experience, exceptional quality and safety, and compassionate care.

See more information about our recent awards and accolades listed below.


Top Rural Hospital

Year Received: 2023

Named a Top Rural Hospital by The Leapfrog Group, a prestigious award widely acknowledged as one of the most competitive recognitions American hospitals can receive. Quality of patient care is considered across many areas of hospital performance including infection rates, practices for safer surgery, maternity care, and the hospital’s capacity to prevent medication errors. Peterson Health was one of 15 hospitals recognized as a Top Rural Hospital nationwide, and the only independent healthcare organization to receive the accolade in Texas.


Quality Texas Award

Year Received: 2020

The Quality Texas Award is recognition as a regional role model for achieving sustained performance excellence and is awarded by the Quality Texas Foundation. It is designed to evaluate organizations on the path to the Malcolm Baldrige Award, and employs multiple methods to measure the systematic nature of the quality journey including data submission, site visits, and executive review.


peterson-health-best-places-to-work-2024-logo“Best Places to Work in Healthcare”

Years Received: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

The “Best Places to Work in Healthcare” Award is a unique designation that reflects our commitment to our workforce. This award identifies and honors employers that empower workers to provide patients and customers with the best possible care, products, and services. Each year Modern Healthcare partners with Workforce Research Group to identify the top 150 organizations from across the country that lead in these areas. Peterson Health has proudly received this award four years in a row.


Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital

Years Received: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX™, this annual recognition program by The Chartis Group honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals. The INDEX leverages publicly available data to measure and monitor performance across a variety of areas impacting hospital operations and finance. Peterson Health has received this designation seven years in a row, and was named one of the Top 20 Rural Community Hospitals in the country in 2017 – the only hospital in Texas to make the list!


Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade Fall 2023Leapfrog ‘A’ Hospital Safety Grade

Years Received: Spring 2023, Fall 2023

The Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit that sets standards for excellence in patient care, assigns safety grades to hospitals across the country based on over 30 national performance measures reflecting errors, accidents, injuries and infections, as well as the systems hospitals have in place to prevent harm. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is the only hospital ratings program exclusively based on hospital prevention of medical errors, infections and injuries that kill more than 500 patients a day nationally. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is peer-reviewed, fully transparent, and free to the public. Grades are updated twice annually in the fall and spring.


Five-Star Rated Facility by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Years Received: 2023, 2024

The Quality Star Rating evaluates hospitals on a series of quality metrics including mortality, safety of care, readmissions, patient experience, and timeliness and effectiveness of care. Peterson Health achieved a five-star rating in the latest Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Quality Star Rating report, released in July 2023. This cycle 3,076 hospitals received a rating from CMS with only 16% receiving the coveted five-star rating. In July 2024, we were named one of 350 hospitals in the nation with a 5-star cleanliness rating.


Women’s Choice Awards

Years Received: Heart Care – 2025  |  Obstetrics – 2023, 2024  |  Orthopedics – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023  |  Outpatient Experience – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024  |  Patient Experience – 2024, 2025  |  Patient Safety – 2021, 2022, 2023  |  Stroke Center – 2022, 2023, 2024

The Women’s Choice Award identifies America’s Best Hospitals & healthcare facilities across the nation based on robust criteria that includes relevant clinical performance, patient satisfaction, and appropriate accreditations to help women make smart healthcare choices. Award determinations are based on the most recent publicly available clinical data from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction survey results, relevant accreditation information, and the American Hospital Directory. We are proud to provide compassionate, patient-centered care for women and their families through every stage of life.


Healthgrades Awards

Years Received: Five-Star Recipient for Total Knee Replacement (Back to Life Orthopedic Program) – 2023, Outstanding Patient Experience – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Healthgrades evaluates hospital quality for conditions and procedures based on clinical outcomes to help consumers understand, compare, and evaluate hospital performance. Analysis is based on more than 45 million Medicare medical claims records and other select data for the most recent three-year time period available from nearly 4,500 hospitals nationwide. In 2024, Peterson Health ranked in among the top 15% of hospitals nationwide for patient experience. This marked the eighth year in a row receiving the Outstanding Patient Experience award.


Bill Aston Award for Quality

Year Received: 2021

The Texas Hospital Association Bill Aston Award for Quality honors hospitals’ measurable success in improving quality and patient outcomes through the sustained implementation of a national and/or state evidence-based patient care initiative that involves physicians, hospital governing board members, and staff. Peterson Health received this award in recognition of the Zero Harm and Just Culture journey that has been effective in demonstrating both a measurable reduction in harm and improved Culture of Safety.


Kerrville Daily Times Reader’s Choice Awards

Years Received: Best Hospice Agency (Peterson Hospice) – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Best Home Health Care – (Peterson Home Care) – 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024  |  Best Physical Therapy (Peterson Rehabilitation) – 2024

The Reader’s Choice Awards is local recognition by the Kerr County community highlighting the best businesses and service providers in the county. Each year the Kerrville Daily Times hosts a community voting opportunity to name ‘Best of Kerrville’ in a variety of industries. Peterson Hospice, Peterson Home Care, and Peterson Rehabilitation are proud to be amongst the top services in Kerr Country!


2023 Patient Satisfaction Scores

Press Ganey is a healthcare performance improvement company that specializes in patient experience surveys. Press Ganey surveys help healthcare organizations identify areas where they can improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Our patients receive an opportunity to provide feedback after care through the Press Ganey patient experience survey, and the results speak for themselves.


Acute Stroke Certification (Level IV)

Texas Department of State Health Services

Peterson Regional Medical Center has been designated as an Acute Stroke Ready (Level IV) Facility in Trauma Service Area-P by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). This designation represents Peterson Health’s commitment to quality care and the vital role the hospital provides to the Texas Hill Country community. Peterson Health is one of only eight facilities in Texas to receive the distinguished rank of Level IV Acute Stroke Ready designation.


Corazon PCI Accreditation

Heart and Vascular Services

Corazon, Inc., a national leader in services for the cardiovascular specialty, has granted accreditation to the Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Program at Peterson Regional Medical Center. Through a rigorous process, the accreditation proves that the program at Peterson Regional has once again met or exceeded the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention societal guidelines and recommendations relative to offering PCI in a facility without onsite open heart surgery in providing 24-hour coverage for PCI emergencies, undergoing detailed quarterly quality reviews to ensure outcomes and practices are met or exceed these national standards.


Certified Urgent Care

Peterson Urgent Care 

UCA’s Certified Urgent Care (CUC) program recognizes Urgent Care centers that meet nationally standardized criteria to demonstrate their commitment to meet the scope of service of a qualified Urgent Care center. This designation tells the public and payers that the Urgent Care center’s scope of service is consistent with criteria defining easy access and services that treat a broad spectrum of illness, injury, and disease. Urgent Care centers with the CUC designation have a mark of distinction to educate their community and stakeholders, gain an edge in marketing their level of services, and eliminate confusion with other specialties.

What patients say about Peterson Health

When I called 911 that evening, I honestly prepared myself to not see my dad alive again after that due to how quickly and severely he had fallen sick. After his negative COVID results came back, I walked into his ER room about 30 minutes after we arrived and he was alert (he was even smiling!) and receiving the necessary medications and treatments to help him. Immediately, everyone began helping him as a TEAM between each department quickly and efficiently to ensure my dad was taken care of and comfortable. It's almost like they were Angels bringing him back to me! I knew he was in the very BEST hands! My dad hasn't stopped talking about how greatly his opinion of Peterson hospital has changed after the phenomenal care he's received over the past couple of days. He said everyone is being so helpful and caring, thoughtful, and shows its a TEAM effort! He has so much more respect for PRMC and the staff and is so appreciative of everyone. He didn't stop bragging on how helpful and nice everyone has been to him and our family.

Melanie C.

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