About Peterson Health

Community Health Needs Assessment

The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) uses systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis to define priorities for health improvement, creates a collaborative community environment to engage stakeholders, and an open and transparent process to listen and truly understand the health needs of Kerr County, Texas.

Peterson Health is committed to understanding what makes a healthy community, as well as working with community stakeholders to assist with resource allocation, informed decision-making, and collective action that will improve health.

Healthcare Equity. As part of Peterson Health’s efforts to reduce or prevent healthcare disparities, data are regularly collected and analyzed to ensure that healthcare disparities based on race, ethnicity, and both spoken and preferred written language do not exist. After a qualitative analysis of these data, we have found that no disparities currently exist in these domains. We will continue to analyze these data to ensure that healthcare equity remains a priority at Peterson Health.

Read more about our collaborative approach to elevating health in the Texas Hill Country in the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment below.

2022 Community Health Needs Assessment

To update or change information in the Community Asset Inventory, complete and submit this form.



2019 Community Health Needs Assessment
2016 Community Health Needs Assessment
2013 Community Health Needs Assessment Addendum
2012 Community Health Needs Assessment

What patients say about Peterson Health

I was at Peterson Urgent care recently, and was seen by Laura Feller, PA with Mindy Albers attending. I would like to make it known that these two front line employees were most courteous and genuine in their profession. From scheduling an appointment to checking in at the front desk, I received above average care. Thank you for making my otherwise stressful visit so smooth. I know these times are very stressful for our medical professionals and am thankful to have them. I was very impressed by this facility and everyone there.

Myra D.

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